Phone: (336) 694-9731 ext. 6205
Fax: (336) 694-5547
Director: Jason Watlington
E-mail: [email protected]
Physical Address 215 County Park Road, Yanceyville, NC 27379
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1406, Yanceyville, NC 27379
Office Hours: M-F 8:00am to 5:00pm
(visitors advised to call ahead and make an appointment)
The responsibility of the Planning Board is to administer and interpret ordinances.
Ron W. Richmond - Chairman
Jason Daniel - Vice-Chairman
Scott Oakley
Antonio W. Foster
Steven Thompson
Stephen Harris
Russell "Lynn" Lunsford
Sam Butler
Commissioner Tim Yarbrough
County Manager
Environmental Health Specialist
Chief Building Inspector
County Planner
Meets 4th Tuesday of each month at 1:00 p.m. in the Planning Department Conference Room, 215 County Park Road, Yanceyville, NC 27379.
December 12, 2023 AGENDA PACKET
What We Do
The Planning Department is responsible for the administration of all of the county’s ordinances related to land use such as, but not limited to; zoning, subdivision, watershed, manufactured homes, outdoor storage, communication towers, flood damage prevention, hazard mitigation, farmland preservation, adult businesses, environmental protection, etc.
The Planning Department renders advice and guidance to the Public, Board of Commissioners, Planning Board, and Agricultural Advisory Board.
The Planning Department is responsible for the enforcement of all of the above-mentioned ordinances and all Land Use activities in the County.
Quick Links:
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Are there minimum housing standards? (ie. Mowing of grass, unsightly structures, etc…)
Does the County have any zoning?
Only the Hyco Lake area, the Town of Yanceyville, and the Town of Milton are zoned.
Hyco Lake Zoning Map
Does the County require a Business License?
What are the setback requirements?
Hyco Lake Zoning area- rear is 0 feet from the 420 contour line, side is 15 feet, and front is 30 feet from the right of way unless there is no right of way you would use the property line.
Town of Yanceyville- Please call Town Hall at (336)694-5431
Town of Milton- Please call Town Mayor Patricia Williams (336) 234-0316 or Town Clerk Shirley Wilson (336) 234-8980
All other areas of the County must meet the subdivision setback requirements:
Front Yard Setback- for state maintained roads, the setback shall be fifty (50) feet from the right-of-way line of the access road or the front property line, whichever is furthest from the street centerline. For private roads, the setback shall be sixty (60) feet from the centerline of the private street.
Side yard setback is fifteen (15) feet.
Side yard setback corner lot is twenty (20) feet
Rear yard setback is twenty five (25) feet.
What are the watershed buffers?
A minimum thirty foot (30’) undisturbed buffer, and an additional fifty foot (50’) vegetative buffer for development activities is required along all perennial waters indicated on the most recent versions of the U.S.G.S. 1:24,000 (7.5 minute) scale topographic maps.
The buffer shall be measured from the edge of the bank shown on the survey of the property or on the most recent United States Department of Housing and Urban Development maps.
Agriculture and forestry activities are exempt from these requirements. Golf courses do not have to have a 30 foot undisturbed buffer, but the 50 feet vegetative buffer requirement shall apply to them.
What is the minimum lot size?
Hyco Lake zoning area- thirty thousand (30,000) square feet
Town of Yanceyville- Please call Town Hall at (336)694-5431
Town of Milton- Please call Town Mayor Patricia Williams (336) 234-0316 or Town Clerk Shirley Wilson (336) 234-8980
All other areas in the County must meet the Caswell County Subdivision Ordinance minimum lot size:
1 acre (43,560 sq ft) of usable land unless located within Country Line Creek WS-II Watershed. Critical area of the watershed requires a 3 acre minimum lot size. Protected area of the watershed requires a minimum of 2 acres.
The following forms can be found in our Document Center. no documents are linked below, you must visit the Document Center to download the form. Click here to access the Document Center then click on Planning Department.
Floodplain Development Permit Application
Agricultural Preservation District Application
Environmental Assessment Application
Hyco Zoning Compliance Application
Manufactured Home Park Application
Outdoor Storage Facility Application
Sexually Oriented Business Application
Shooting Range Application
SNIA Permit Application
Temporary Placement Permit: Manufactured Home
Temporary Placement Permit: Recreational Vehicle
Variance Petition Application
Watershed Protection Permit Application
Wireless Communication Tower Application
Zoning Map Amendment Application
Complaint Form
Land Development Form
UDO Text Amendment Form
Variance Petition Request
Flood Hazard Acknowledgement Form
Cell Tower Land Development Form
Other Documents
The following items can be found in our Document Center. no documents are linked below, you must visit the Document Center to view/download. Click here to access the Document Center then click on Planning Department.
Hyco Lake Zoning Map
Unified Development Ordinance 2020
Residential Building Permits Brochure
Planning Department Fee Schedule
Memo to Land Surveyors Conducting Work in Caswell County
Caswell HIDO Initial Draft 2020
SE Caswell Anderson Zoning Map
SE Caswell Royal Park Zoning Map
SE Caswell Zoning Map June 2021
SE Caswell Zoning Use Table 2
ARTICLE 5 Conditional Zoning Addition
Quick Links

Below are the minutes from the most current board meetings. To request older Planning Board minutes please contact Matthew Hoagland, County Planner, at [email protected]
Please click here to see previous Planning Board Meetings

The Board of Adjustment meets the third Tuesday of each month at 2:00 p.m. at the Caswell County Public Library, unless their is no business to be conducted. Below are the minutes from the most current board meetings.
Please call or email the Planning Department with any further questions about the Board of Adjustment.

Below are the minutes from the most current board meetings. The Board of Adjustment hears appeals, processes variance requests, and reviews other technical matters of a quasi-judicial nature.