View our Library Facebook Page
Phone: (336) 694-6241
Fax: (336) 694-9846
E-mail: [email protected]
Physical Address: 161 Main Street East, Yanceyville, NC 27379
Mon 9:00am - 7:00pm
Tue 9:00am - 7:00pm
Wed 9:00am - 7:00pm
Thurs 9:00am - 7:00pm
Fri 9:00am - 5:00pm
Sat 9:00am - 1:00pm
Sun Closed
Current Programs
To learn about current & upcoming programs, news and events, follow us on Facebook!
**For your child’s safety, the library has Child Safety Policies
Children's Programs:
Lambs & Lions: Wednesday 10:00 - 11:00 am Ages 0 - 5 (Sept beginning after Labor Day - May)
Book-Baggers: Wednesday 3:30 - 4:15 pm Ages 6 - 12 (Sept beginning after Labor Day - May)
Summer Reading Programs are offered each June - July. Fun programs and prizes for reading are designed to keep children and adults excited and engaged in reading even over the summer break. Reading programs provide free educational entertainment for children and adults, while drawing people into the library and exposing them to a world of books and materials that can be checked-out and enjoyed over the summer. Not only does this help with summer boredom, it also helps prevent the "summer slide" and keeps children learning and ready for the new school year. For more information call the Children's Services Coordinator - (336) 694-6241
Teen Programs: Ages 13 - 18 In addition to our teen room, the library offers programs especially geared toward teenagers. For more information call the Teen Services Coordinator – (336) 694-6241
Adult Programs: The library offers a variety of Adult Programs including book discussions, computer classes, crafting, poetry and more. For more information call the Adult Services Coordinator - (336) 694-6241
To inspire a love of life-long learning by providing engaging, entertaining and informative materials, programs and services.
Policies and Procedures
Below is a summary of our policies and procedures. A full list and downloadable copies can be found in our Document Center under the Library category.
MakerSpace Policy:
Click here to view information on our MakerSpace and services.
Library Card Policy:
Patrons must show proof of correct name and current address (preferably a current driver’s license) to obtain a card.
A parent’s or guardian’s signature is required for children under 16 years of age.
Lost or stolen cards must be reported immediately to prevent unauthorized use.
Patrons are responsible for all items checked out on his/her library card (and the cards of their minor children).
Persons living within neighboring counties or a 50 mile radius are eligible to get a library card free of charge.
Replacement Cards – $2.00 each
Click here to download the Library Card Application
Loan Period:
Please note there is a 25 item limit on each card.
Books 21 days (Local History & Reference materials do not circulate)
Magazines 8 for 21 days (Current issues do not circulate)
Audios 8 for 21 days
DVDs 3 per person for 7 days (DVDs may only be checked out on an adult’s card)
Book Drop:
The book drop is located in the parking area behind the library.
To prevent damage, there is a separate compartment for books and media (DVDs and Audios).
Items returned after close of business day will be checked in the following day.
DVD Policy:
Must be 16 years of age or older.
Only 3 per person
7 day loan period; no renewals
Overdue charges are $2.00 per day per item with a limit of $5.00 per item.
The library is not responsible for any damage incurred to patron’s equipment.
It is a violation of copyright laws to copy DVDs.
Only DVDs marked “Public Performance” may be shown in schools or other groups (except for classroom setting).
Fines & Fees:
Click here to view a complete list of our fines and fees.
Overdue Items Policy:
Patrons are responsible for returning library materials in a timely manner. Library staff can activate automatic text reminders for upcoming materials due. Computer generated notices are sent to patrons as a courtesy.
Patrons with overdue items or fines are unable to check out library materials until account is cleared.
Fines and fees will be applied to overdue items.
Once an item has been overdue for 60 days, the computer system automatically changes the status to lost and charges the patron’s account the replacement cost of the item, plus two dollars processing fee.
Once a lost item has been paid for, there is no refund. Once an item is lost and payment has been made, library staff evaluates replacing the item or updating the item for the collection.
Renewal Policy:
Items (except DVDs) may be renewed twice unless someone else has requested the item.
Books belonging to Caswell County can be renewed in person, by phone, or by Internet. You will need a password to access your account online.
Renewals for ILLs are subject to lending library policies and approval.
Items cannot be renewed online if they are overdue or if patron registration has expired.
Patrons with outstanding fines or fees cannot renew online.
Reserves Policy:
Library materials may be placed on reserve (with the exception of DVDs) in person, by phone (336) 694-6241, or online using your library card and the supplied password. DVDs cannot be placed on reserve.
Meeting Room Policy:
Click here to view information on our meeting rooms.
Cell Phone Policy:
All cell phone usage in the Library should be kept to a minimum.
Please notify the front desk if you need to make a phone call within the library.
Acceptable phone uses include:
Homework/schoolwork help at the computer
Brief business conversations
Calling for a ride
Confirming fax information
Please put your cell phone on vibrate.
Please respect others by keeping conversations at low levels (do not use speaker).
Staff will ask anyone disturbing others by talking loudly or excessively on their phone to turn off their phone.
Disruptive Behavior Policy:
IT IS UNACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR FOR ANY LIBRARY PATRON. Click here to view our Disruptive Behavior Policy.
Safe Child Policy:
Caswell County Public Library welcomes children of all ages. We ask you to help us keep the library a safe and pleasant place by adhering to the following policies.
A parent or caretaker must accompany children 12 years of age and under. They are responsible for the child’s behavior, while they are at the library. Library staff have multiple duties, and in order to serve all citizens, they cannot monitor the behavior of each child.
Unattended Children
It is inappropriate for children under 12 years of age to be at the Library unaccompanied by an adult or guardian. Library staff and administration are not responsible for unsupervised or unaccompanied children. If the library staff are aware of an unattended child, they will try to contact a parent or legal guardian. If unable to locate parent or guardian, staff will contact appropriate authorities. During special library programs for children, parents or guardians should remain on the premises (in the main library where the parent/guardian is accessible to the child) until the program has ended, in case an emergency should arise.
Disruptive Children
Children should be encouraged to use the library appropriately. Appropriate library activities include choosing materials, sitting at tables to read or work on projects, and working on appropriate computers. Because disruptive children can detract from other patrons’ enjoyment of the library, talking should be kept at an appropriate level. Your child must be accompanied while they are using the Internet work station. Children 12 years of age and under are not allowed to use the Internet work station without adult supervision.
In addition, if you are using an Internet workstation, it is not appropriate to leave your child unattended in the Children’s area. Your cooperation and adherence to these policies will help us maintain a pleasant and safe environment in your public library.
Collection Development:
Funding and space limitations require the Library staff to be very careful when considering new materials. Materials will be selected with the informational, recreational, educational, and interest needs of the patron community in mind.
All acquisitions, whether purchased or donated, are evaluated by the following standards:
Present and potential relevance to community needs
Suitability of subject, style, and reading level for the intended audience
Importance of keeping non-fiction current
Reputation, credentials, and/or significance of author, publisher, or producer
Positive reviews
Relationships to existing material in the collection
Within limits of budgets for materials
Insufficient materials available on a subject
Author or illustrator is from the local community
Format is appropriate to Library use and is durable
Enhances a specific collection within the Library
Literary and artistic merit ï‚· Popularity with library patrons
Library staff weed the collection based on the following criteria:
Outdated information
Physical condition
Value to the collection
Space limitations
Infrequent use unless material makes a special contribution to the collection or is of local interest
Donations and Gifts:
The Caswell County Public Library appreciates donations from patrons.
Donated items in good condition will be added to the collection provided they meet the established collection development criteria. Items not selected to add to the collection may be sold by the Friends of the Library, placed in one of the Free Little Libraries, donated to other agencies, or discarded.
Book and Materials Donation Forms are available to patrons for charitable donations. The library does not assign values to materials donated.
The Caswell County Public Library accepts all donations without regard to political, religious, or item origin. Exceptions include items affiliated with hate groups or those deemed obscene/pornographic.
Interlibrary Loan Policy:
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) borrowing is a courtesy extended to library patrons to have access to resources that are not in our collection or in the NC Cardinal system. The Library will work diligently to locate, and acquire the materials that you need.
Books and materials not available in the NC Cardinal system are requested through Interlibrary Loan.
ILL items require a $1.00 postage fee per item to be collected at the time of the request.
If we are not able to fulfill your request, you will be refunded the $1.00 per item fee.
Limit of 3 ILLs per person per request.
The loan policies and charges for overdue materials and lost or damaged books are set by the lending libraries.
The Interlibrary loan borrower will be responsible for paying any charges accrued.
ILL privileges will not be extended to patrons with overdue items and/or fines.
Renewal requests must be made one week before items are due. Renewal availability is determined by lending libraries.
All ILLs not picked up within 7 days of notification will be returned to lending library and ILL privileges may be suspended.
Internet/Computer Use Policy and Fees:
Click here to view complete policy.
2019 Audit:
The purpose of the Friends of the Library shall be to maintain an association of persons interested in books and libraries; to focus attention on and to stimulate public interest in library services, facilities and needs; to stimulate gifts, endowments and bequests; to encourage increased usage of the library facilities and services; and to recruit and train volunteers to assist with library operations.
Goals and Objectives
Support and fund library programs;
Maintain an organization whose members acknowledge the power of books and the influence of Gunn Memorial Public Library on the quality of life in Caswell County;
Focus attention on and stimulate public interest in libraries;
Promote and encourage gifts, endowments, bequests and grants to meet library needs;
Encourage increased usage of the library facilities and services;
Recruit and train volunteers to assist with the library operations.
Previous Accomplishments:
Sponsored Children’s Programs;
Purchased over $10,000 in equipment, including circulation desk, refrigerator, and library marquee sign;
Sponsored Bartlett Yancey and Dillard Special Needs Programs;
Sponsored Birdhouse Decorating Contest;
Organized fundraisers, including library dance and numerous book sales;
Sponsored “Let’s Talk About It” community book and film discussions;
Sponsored After School Programs.
Become a Member:
Membership forms can be downloaded here or obtained at the Gunn Memorial Public Library.
We are always looking for patrons who are willing to help:
Shelve materials
Straighten shelves
Assist with programs
Teach basic computer classes
Book talks and discussions
Books, DVDs, Audios (If we cannot use your donated materials in the collection, we put them in the book sale and use that money to fund other necessities.)
Summer Reading Prizes
Monetary gifts are tax deductible and are used to support library services and programs
Attend Programs!
The library is always providing programming for children and adults. We encourage you to participate in library programs.
If there is a program that you are interested in leading or that you would like to see the library host, just let us know!

Below are a number of local, state and federal resources by topic. We hope you find these useful.
Homeschooling Standards
NC Dept. of Public Instruction
Free DMV Driver's Test:​​
Tax Forms:​​
Affordable Online Colleges:
Piedmont Community College (PCC):
Caswell County Schools: http://www.caswell.k12.nc.us/
NC College Finder - www.nccollegefinder.org
College Foundation of North Carolina - www.CFNC.org
Accredited Online Colleges www.accreditedonlinecolleges.org/degree-programs/
Online Colleges in NC: http://www.accreditedonlinecolleges.org/north-carolina/
Free Application for Federal Student Aid:
GoodCall Scholarships:
Grad School Considerations:
Master's Degree Salary Overview:
US Census Bureau:
NC Live (Online Journals):
NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services: www.ncagr.com
U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development: www.rurdev.usda.gov
State of North Carolina General Information Portal www.ncgov.com
NC State Government Publications:
Health & Wellness :
Homework Help:
Employment Security Commission:
NC Workforce:
Career, Jobs & Test Prep:
Resume Resources: https://www.ziprecruiter.com/blog/resume-training/
Salary Calculator:
Zip Recruiter:

Do you have roots in Caswell County? Explore our extensive collection of genealogy resources and find out.
The Gunn Memorial Public Library houses extensive holdings of genealogy and local history materials. This unique collection supports the county’s mission of “Preserving the Past, Embracing the Future”. Rich in primary sources, the local history room provides access to privately published family histories, The Heritage Book of Caswell County, HG Jones collection, Maud Gatewood collection, and microfilm including:
Caswell County Court Minutes 1777 – 1882
Caswell Record of Deeds 1777 – 1874
Caswell Marriage Bonds 1780 – 1868
Church Records (limited)
Local Newspapers (limited)
Although the library does not have a paid genealogist, the local history room is available to the public during library hours.
The Caswell County Public Library now provides access to Ancestrylibrary.com. Free from any library computer!
Additional Genealogy Resources:
Register of Deeds - http://www.caswellrod.net/
Caswell County Historical Association - https://www.ncccha.org/
Caswell County Genealogy - https://caswellcountync.org/genealogy/
Caswell County Photograph Collection - http://www.flickr.com/photos/ncccha/
Caswell County Historical Association Weblog - http://ncccha.blogspot.com/
Caswell County, North Carolina GenWeb Website - http://www.ncgenweb.us/caswell/
Caswell County Cemetery Census - http://cemeterycensus.com/nc/casw/
Caswell County on Find A Grave - http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=csr&CScn=&CScntry=4&C Sst=29&CScnty=1667
State Archives of North Carolina – http://www.archives.ncdcr.gov/
NC Echo - http://www.ncecho.org/
Government and Heritage Library - Statelibrary.ncdcr.gov/ghl