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Below is a quick link directory to our county departments. You can click on the individual page links below for additional information.
Animal Control
Phone: (336) 694-5705 Fax: 336-694-1228
E-mail: [email protected]
Mailing Address: PO Box 98
Physical Address: 142 Main St, Yanceyville NC 27379
Hours of Operation: M-F 8am-5pm
Caswell County Animal Welfare and Control Ordinance
Board of Elections
Phone: (336) 694-4010 Fax: (336) 694-9924
Director: Robert Webb
E-mail: [email protected]
Mailing Address: PO Box 698
Physical Location: 140 Main Street, Yanceyville, NC 27379
Hours of Operation: M-F 8:00am – 12:30pm & 1:30pm – 5:00pm
Building Inspections
Phone: (336) 694-9731 Ext. 6203
Director: Shannon Petry
E-mail: [email protected]
Mailing Address: PO Box 1406
Physical Location: 215 County Park Road, Yanceyville, NC 27379
Hours of Operation: M-F 8:00am - 5:00pm
Building permits and information for contractors and owners regarding residential, commercial and industrial buildings. Offices are located on County Park Road in the lower level of the Health Department.
If you would like to submit a permit application online click here for instructions on how to do so. If you need to check on an existing permit please click the link below https://caswellcounty.portal.iworq.net/portalhome/caswellcounty
CATS (Caswell County Area Transportation System)
Phone: (336) 694-1424 Ext 1 TDD/TTY Users Dial 711 or (800) 735-2962
Fax: (336) 694-1144
Director: Melissa O. Williamson - Director
E-mail: [email protected]
Transportation Coordinator: Lea Walters
E-mail: [email protected]
Mailing Address: PO Box 371, Yanceyville, NC 27379
Physical Location: 206 County Park Road, Yanceyville, NC 27379
Hours of Operation: M-F 8:00am -5:00pm
Court System
Clerk of Superior Court
(336) 459-4000- John Satterfield, Clerk
email [email protected]
Offices located in the Caswell County Courthouse at 139 East Church Street in Yanceyville
NC Court System
Website: www.nccourts.org
Community Corrections Center
(336) 694-7673
County-operated Day Reporting Center for offenders sentenced by the courts. Located in the brick house east of the County Courthouse on East Church Street.
District Attorney - Jason Ramey
(336) 459-4010
Serving District 22 which includes Caswell and Rockingham counties. Offices are in the County Courthouse.
District Court Judge
(336) 459-4012
Serving the people of District 22. Offices are in the County Courthouse.
Juvenile Court Counselor
(336) 694-5600
Offices located in the Courthouse.
(336) 694-4175
Offices located in the Community Corrections Center.
Superior Court Judge
(336) 459-4016
Serving the people of Judicial District 17A. Offices located in the County Courthouse.
N.C. Department of Corrections Dan River Work Farm
(336) 694-1583
N.C. Department of Corrections Yanceyville Unit
(336) 694-4531
Economic Development
Visit the Economic Development Doing Business in Caswell Page
Director: Interim County Manager, Renee Paschal
E-mail: [email protected]
Mailing Address: PO Box 98
Physical Location: 144 Court Square, Yanceyville, NC 27379
Hours of Operation: M-F 8:00am - 5:00pm
Caswell County
Population of 23,719 (2010 Census)
Over 85,000 workers age 18-34 within 30 miles
Population of over 2 million within 60 miles
Two industrial parks
Located within an hour's drive of Raleigh Durham and Greensboro with access to two international airports
Specialized workforce training programs available through Piedmont Community College
Property Tax Rate of .735/$100
Emergency Management
Phone: (336) 694-5177 Ext. 1
Fax: 336-694-5738
Coordinator: Barry Lynch
E-mail: [email protected]
Mailing Address: PO Box 99, Yanceyville, NC 27379
Hours: M-F 8:00am - 5:00pm
Caswell Emergency Management (CEM) Department along with the combined efforts of other local, state and federal government as well as volunteer agencies work together to mitigate against, prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters both natural and manmade. CEM works to identify and analyze the hazards that citizens of Caswell County may be faced with and develop contingency plans for each hazard.
Caswell emergency Management is responsible for:
Coordination of community partners in identifying ways to effectively mitigate, prepare for, respond to and recover from significant events
Operating the Emergency Operations Center
Coordinating the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC)
Responding to emergencies on a 24/7 basis
Exploring and implementing emergency technology programs
Situational monitoring for threats and hazards
Providing leadership for regional systems and programs
Quick Links
Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
Phone: (336) 694-5177
Director: Barry Lynch
Email: [email protected]
Operations Manager: John Yarbrough
Email: [email protected]
Mailing Address: PO Box 99, Yanceyville, NC 27379
Admin Office Location: 144 Main Street, Yanceyville NC, 27379
Office Hours: M-F 8:00am - 5:00pm
Service Hours: 24/7/365
Caswell County Emergency Medical Services provides simple transports to ALS pre-hospital intervention.
CCEMS operates under the license of a Medical Director, the NC OEMS Protocols, and local protocols. Aggressive treatments and technologies include capnography and the latest in heart monitor equipment.
CCEMS transports patients to the closest appropriate facility, that directly surrounds Caswell County. (Annie Penn, Alamance Regional, UNC Hillsborough, Person Memorial, & Sovah Health-Danville.) We also transport to additional facilities should the patient’s condition dictate. These facilities include Duke Hospital, Duke Regional Hospital, UNC Medical Center-Chapel Hill, and Moses Cone Hospital. CCEMS has 31 full time positions including the Director, Operations Manager and our Community Paramedic. Additionally we employ part time staff to cover additional roles.
Goal: To provide the best emergency medical service to the residents, guests, and visitors of Caswell County through comprehensive education, detailed assessment, and effective corrective action.
Vision: Caswell County Emergency Medical Services is dedicated to using education, honest self-evaluation, and data driven quality management. Our commitment to continuous improvement will result in the most modern, effective, and patient friendly emergency medical service. Innovative treatments, state-of-the-art equipment, and foresight in leadership will serve as our cornerstones.
Mission: Caswell County Emergency Services is dedicated to providing outstanding community service through emergency response, education, and prevention. Our commitment to continuous improvement will result in the most modern, effective, and exceptional care available. We will provide the highest level of emergency medical services through quality patient care utilizing advanced and basic level care, recruitment and retention of highly qualified personnel, and above all, excellence in total patient care. With partnerships with neighboring agencies we will provide information and education to the community to increase awareness to prevent illness and injury
Hospitals served:
Duke University Medical Center
Duke Regional Hospital
UNC Hillsborough Hospital
UNC Medical Center-Chapel Hill
Moses Cone Memorial Hospital
Annie Penn Memorial Hospital
Sovah Health-Danville
Person Memorial Hospital
Alamance Regional Medical Center
Environmental Health
To visit our website http://caswellnc.us
Phone: (336) 694-9731 Ext. 6207
Supervisor: Matt Maness
Email: mmaness@caswellnc.us
Mailing Address: PO Box 1406, Yanceyville, NC 27379
Office Hours: M-F 8:00am – 5:00pm
Environmental Health performs inspections and permitting for restaurants, private septic systems, etc. The office is located on County Park Road in the lower level of the Health Department.
Quick Links
Family Services
To visit the Family Services website for more information.
24/7 Crisis Hotline: (336) 694-5655
Office: (336) 694-5750
Fax: (336) 694-9056
Mailing Address: 339 Wall Street, Yanceyville, NC 27379
The mission of Family Services of Caswell County is to provide safety and support for victims of domestic violence, while leading community efforts to end domestic abuse. We strive to eliminate domestic violence from our community by providing assistance in finding safe shelter, crisis intervention, advocacy, referrals to community resources, information, and support while educating our community regarding the prevalence, effects, and prevention of domestic violence.
Services Available:
24/7 Confidential Crisis Hotline
Community Education
Crisis Intervention Services
Court/Medical Advocacy
Job Counseling
Supportive Services for Children
Individual and Group Supportive Counseling
Transportation Assistance
Public Awareness Activities
Sheltering Assistance
Support Groups
Financial Management Assistance
Protective Order Assistance
Farmer Lake
Visit the Farmer Lake Recreation Page
Phone: (336) 694-5522
Fax: (336) 694-1228
Lake Warden: Charlie King
Email: [email protected]
Physical Address: 3268 Badgett Sisters Parkway, Yanceyville, NC
Hours of Operation:
Closed January – February
Mon - Tues: Closed
Wed - Sat: 7:00am - 7:00pm
Sun: 1:00pm - 7:00pm
When you want a quiet, tranquil place to enjoy the best the great outdoors has to offer, think of S.R. Farmer Lake. Located in Caswell County, S.R. Farmer Lake is a 365 acre, class a water shed built in 1986 for the City of Yanceyville.
A perfect place for fishing, recreational boating, water fowl, hunting and picnics. S.R. Farmer Lake is open from March 1-November 30. The staff at S.R. Farmer Lake are willing to assist in whatever way possible to make your time spent here enjoyable.
S.R. Farmer Lake is a popular lake for many area anglers. Its rural setting, restrictions on jet skis and swimming, and large bass population make it an ideal lake for fishing.
Anglers can choose to fish from the bank or off the wooden fishing pier located near the boat ramp. Those desiring to fish off boats may do so by launching a privately owned craft (subject to a nominal launch fee). Canoes and kayaks are rented as well.
S.R. Farmer Lake is great for catching bass, crappie, catfish, bream and other species. Bass, catfish and crappie tournaments are held during the regular open season of the lake.
Duck Hunting
S.R. Farmer Lake also provides an excellent opportunity for the hunting of various species of waterfowl. Teal, mallards, wood ducks and Canadian geese use the lake as part of their southern flyway.
Picnic Shelter
A covered picnic shelter is available for rental for business luncheons, birthday parties and other activities. The shelter is available Monday-Saturday, 7am-7pm and Sunday 1pm-7pm.
Finance Department
Phone: (336) 694-4193 Ext. 1205
Fax: (336) 694-1228
Interim Director: Melissa Miller
Email: [email protected]
Mailing Address: PO Box 98, Yanceyville, NC 27379
Office Hours: M-F 8:00am – 5:00pm
The Finance Department is responsible for all financial management functions of County government. The department accounts for all receipts and disbursements, prepares the County Manager’s recommended budget, administers the adopted budget, invests the County’s idle funds, manages County debt issues, maintains the fixed asset inventory, coordinates the comprehensive annual financial report and the annual audit by an independent accounting firm. The Finance Department is also responsible for the purchasing, payroll, and personnel functions in County government.
The Finance Department has received the Certificate of Achievement in Financial Reporting Award from the Government Finance Officers Association for the past ten years.
The Finance Department Staff includes:​
Melissa Miller, Interim Director
Tonya Fuller, Accounting Technician II
Rose Farmer, Accounting Tech
Quick Links
Caswell County Local Government Budget Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2020-2021
Caswell County Local Government Budget Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2021-2022
Caswell County Local Government Budget Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2022-2023
Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports
Health Department
Phone: (336) 694-4129 Ext. 8157
Fax: (336) 694-7030
Director: Jennifer A. Eastwood, MP
E-mail: [email protected]
Physical Address: 189 County Park Road, Yanceyville, NC 27379
Website: www.caswellnc.us
Office Hours: M-F 8:00am – 5:00pm
Human Resources
To apply for a job or see position vacancies visit the Human Resources page by clicking here.
Phone: (336) 694-4193 Ext. 1210
Fax: (336) 694-1228
Director: Ashley Powell
E-mail: [email protected]
Mailing Address: PO Box 98, Yanceyville, NC 27379
Office Hours: M-F 8:00am – 5:00pm
The Caswell County Human Resources Department provides, administers and oversees services to all County Departments in accordance with Federal, State and Local laws, regulations and policies.
Services Include:
Employee Benefits
Policy Advisement & Revisions
Information Technology
Phone: (336) 694-5265
Director: Jason Benson
Email: jbenson@caswellcountync.gov
Cara White
Email: [email protected]
The Mission:
The Information Technology Department's mission is to provide county government staff assistance with technology related needs for their daily operation. While technology can be intimidating to some, the Information Technology Department's mission is to help simplify this, making transitions to newer tech less painful. The mission has always been to provide clear solutions to difficult problems in a cost-effective manner. Some examples of what the Information Technology Department does on a daily basis:
Determine departmental needs then research, test, recommend, and obtain quotes for new equipment/services.
Network planning, configuration, testing, implementation, and security.
End-user support.
IT project management from vision to completion.
What's Ahead:
Technology is always progressing, changing, and maturing. As one level of technology matures another one is just being born. It's important to remain relevant and keep an open mind. The Information Technology Department will always strive to present new technology that is cost-effective, relevant, and useful for county government operations. Technology is growing with leaps and bounds, and we are ready to see how it can help staff better serve the public.
View our Library Facebook Page
Phone: (336) 694-6241
Fax: (336) 694-9846
Director: Patrick Fitzgerald
Email: [email protected]
General E-mail: [email protected]
Physical Address: 161 Main Street East, Yanceyville, NC 27379
Mon 9:00am - 7:00pm
Tue 9:00am - 7:00pm
Wed 9:00am - 7:00pm
Thurs 9:00am - 7:00pm
Fri 9:00am - 5:00pm
Sat 9:00am - 1:00pm
Sun Closed
Phone: (336) 694-4014
Fax: (336) 694-1755
Physical Address: 339 Wall Street, Yanceyville, NC 27379
Hours: M-F 7:30am – 4:30pm (On Call 24 hours a day)
Director: R.D. Hayes
Email: [email protected]
Maintenance Supervisor: Bruce Powell (B.J.)
Email: [email protected]
Staff: Keith Miller, Kasie Bowles, Nikki Turner, Chris Mccollum, Donald Johnson
Maintenance provides services to all County Departments for the Board of Commissioners. If anyone in the County sees a problem, please contact Maintenance.
Parks & Recreation
Visit the Parks and Recreation website
Phone: (336) 694-4449
Fax: (336) 694-5855
Director: Randy Jefferson
E-mail: [email protected]
Physical Address: 228 County Park Road, Yanceyville, NC
Hours: M-F 9:00am-5:00pm
View the Parks and Recreation website for more information on facilities and opportunities
Parks and Recreation services are an essential function of government, which provide parks and recreation facilities and programs, promotes industrial growth and improves the quality of life for our citizens. It is necessary for the County to promote industrial growth and improves the quality of life for our citizens. It is necessary for the County to promote and provide wholesome recreation opportunities and facilities to all county citizens in order to fulfill the function of recreation.
Planning Department
Visit the Planning Department website
Phone: (336) 694-9731 ext. 6205
Fax: (336) 694-5547
Director: Jason Watlington
E-mail: jwatlington@caswellcountync.gov
Physical Address: 215 County Park Road, Yanceyville, NC 27379
Office Hours: M-F 8:00am to 5:00pm
View the Planning website for more information and to download forms
The Planning Department is responsible for the administration of all of the county’s ordinances related to land use such as, but not limited to; zoning, subdivision, watershed, manufactured homes, outdoor storage, communication towers, flood damage prevention, hazard mitigation, farmland preservation, adult businesses, environmental protection, etc.
The Planning Department renders advice and guidance to the Public, Board of Commissioners, Planning Board, and Agricultural Advisory Board.
Register of Deeds
To access the Register of Deeds online click here
Phone: (336) 694-4197
Register of Deeds: Ginny S. Mitchell
Email: [email protected]
Impressive archives of births, deaths and land transactions in the county for the past 185 years. Located downstairs in the Caswell County Courthouse in the government complex at 139 East Church Street.
Section (8) Housing
View the Section 8 website for more information.
Phone: (336) 694-9318
Fax: (336) 694-9321
Executive Director: Samantha Shumaker
Email: sshumaker@caswellcountync.gov
Physical Address: 205 E. Church Street, Yanceyville, NC 27379
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 577, Yanceyville, NC 27379
Hours of Operation: M-F 8:00am-5:00pm
Caswell County Section 8 currently has an open waiting list. To apply visit the office during regular business hours or pick up an application outside the main office at any time.
CCS8 is also looking for landlords with property in Caswell County that would be interested in renting to a Section 8 family. Property owners please call the office to learn about our landlord incentives and don't forget to request a Landlord Packet!!!
Senior Services
View the the Senior Services website for more information and FAQs
Phone: (336) 694-7447 Ext. 1503
Fax: (336) 694-4857
Director: Jeannine Everidge,
E-mail: [email protected]
Physical Address: 649 Firetower Rd., Yanceyville, NC 27379
Hours: M-F 8:00am – 5:00pm
Caswell Senior Services is a one stop department for individuals 55 years and above. The department is located in the Caswell County Senior Center which is often described by visitors as the “nicest Senior Center they have ever seen”.
Sheriff's Office
View the Sheriff's Office website for more information and important links
Phone: (336) 694-9311
Fax: (336) 694-8984
Sheriff: Tony Durden
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1177, Yanceyville, N.C. 27379
Office Hours: 8:00am – 5:00pm
24 hours Services
The mission of the Caswell County Sheriff’s Office is to maximize the quality of life of the citizens of the county we serve; to uphold the law fairly and firmly; to prevent crime; to address the problems of the citizens we serve; to pursue and bring to justice those who violate the law; to keep the peace of the county; to protect, help, and reassure all people in Caswell County, to do this with integrity, common sense, and sound judgment.
We will be compassionate, courteous, and patient. We will act without showing fear, favor, or prejudice to the rights of others. We will be professional, calm, and restrained in the face of fear of violence and/or irrational behavior.
We will strive to reduce the fears of the public and, in so far as we can, reflect its priorities in the actions we take. We will change and mold our Office as necessary to maximize our service in meeting needs of a growing county.
Social Services
Phone: (336) 694-4141
Fax: (336) 694-1816
Director: Dianne C. Moorefield
E-mail: [email protected]
Physical Address: PO Box 1538, Yanceyville, NC 27379
Office Hours: M-F 8:00am – 5:00pm
Program Contacts:​
FNS Supervisor – Jennifer Holt (336) 694-2022
Adult Services Supervisor – Michelle Waddell (336) 694-2008
Work First/Day Care/Child Support Supervisor – Tonya Moye (336) 694-2047
Child Welfare Supervisors – Lisa Anderson (336) 694-2032 and Racquel Hughes (336) 694-2054.
Medicaid Supervisor – Heather Starr Thomas (336) 933-4152
Medicaid Central email address is [email protected]
Please submit documentation for recertifications for NC Medicaid to [email protected]
Some of our available services include:
Financial Assistance
Work First
Food Stamps
Low Income Energy Assistance
Crisis (heating and cooling seasons when funds are available)
Child Support Enforcement
Child Welfare
Child Protective Services
Foster Care
Licensing Foster Homes
Adoption Services
Day Care Services
Issuance of Work Permits
Adult Services
Adult Protective Services
Representative Payee Services
Services to adults in family care homes and nursing homes
Medicaid Transportation (for Medicaid eligible persons)
Monitoring of licensed placement facilities for adults
Additional Services Available at DSS
Veterans Administration Representative will be at DSS on Tuesdays call for an appointment
Aid to the Blind Representative will be at DSS on Tuesday morning
Notice of Your Rights Under Hawkins v. Cohen
Notice of Your Rights Under Hawkins v. Cohen - Spanish Version
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Block Grant Plan
Soil & Water Conservation
To visit the Soil and Water page, click here.
Phone: (336) 694-4162 Ext. 3
District Technician: Mitch Thompson
E-mail: [email protected]
District Secretary: Tonya Wingate
E-mail: [email protected]
Physical Address: 126 Court Square, Yanceyville, NC 27379
Mailing Address: PO Box 96, Yanceyville, NC 27379
Hours of Operation: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Caswell Soil & Water District is a governmental subdivision of the State of North Carolina organized to exercise public powers conferred under provisions of the Soil & Water Conservation Law of North Carolina. Our responsibility within Caswell County is to conserve the soil, water, and related natural resources.
The Natural Resources Conservation Service works hand-in-hand with the District to provide personnel and technical assistance to farmers, individuals, groups, organizations or units of government in Caswell County.
Examples of technical assistance include planning aid is given in agricultural land use, grassland management, wildlife, recreation, woodland, and other uses of the land. Experts in agronomy, biology, forestry, soils and engineering are available through this agency. A major mission of this office is to reduce erosion of soil and improve water quality.
The Caswell Soil & Water Conservation District exists to serve the public and to ensure a healthy and productive environment. To this end, its task is to safeguard land, water, and related resources for the benefit for future generations.
Solid Waste
Phone: (336) 694-5811
Cell: (336) 514-0504
Fax: (336) 694-5550
Director: Aubrey (A.J.) Fuqua
Mailing Address: PO Box 98, Yanceyville, NC 27379
Email: [email protected]
Hours of Operation: M-F 8am - 4pm | Sat. 8am - noon
This department provides for trash disposal and recycling services at nine locations throughout the County. These sites are known as Convenience Centers. Most of these sites are open Monday thru Saturday from 7 am until 7 pm, closed on Sundays and Christmas Day. Contact the Yanceyville Convenience Center during the hours posted below to determine if they are one of these sites.
Convenience Center Sites
119N Site: 12190 NC Highway 119 North, Semora
Anderson Site: 2537 Byrd's Saw Mill Rd., Burlington
Casville Site, 1340 Allison Rd., Ruffin
Cherry Grove Site: 6775 Cherry Grove Rd., Reidsville
Milton Site: 8710 NC Highway 62 North, Milton
Nicks Road Site: 52 Nicks Road, Mebane
Pelham Site: 4732 Shady Grove Road, Providence
Providence Site: 7627 NC Highway 86 North, Providence
Yanceyville (Landfill) Site: 162 Landfill Road, Yanceyville (Off 86 North)
The Yanceyville site operates Mon. - Fri. 8 am – 4 pm and 8 am - 12 noon on Sat. This site does observe County Holidays, please call for the dates we are closed.
All the above sites collect bagged household trash at no cost.
Recycling is provided at each location. Types of recyclables are:
mixed glass
co-mingled plastic
used beverage cans.
(Please remove all plastic bags and no cardboard mixed in with newspapers.)
The Landfill site is the main hub for all the sites. The Landfill Site will accept all types of debris, except hazardous and chemical waste. There is no charge for bagged household trash. However, there is a $60.00 per ton charge for any other debris not listed as White Goods. White Goods consist of refrigerators, freezers, washers, dryers, cook stoves, hot water heaters, dish washers, AC units of all kinds.
Brush is $45.00 per ton
The Landfill rents open top dumpsters - For more information call the office at (336) 694-5811.
Tax Office
Phone: (336) 694-4194 Ext.5116
Fax: (336) 694-1405
Director: Thomas Bernard
Email: [email protected]
Physical Address: 139 E Church Street, Yanceyville, NC 27379
Mailing Address: PO Box 204, Yanceyville, NC 27379
Hours of Operation: M-F 8:00am - 5:00pm
County Tax Payment by Telephone or Online via the Internet
You can now pay your Caswell County taxes online or over the telephone. CC Payment Service is accepting Credit Card payments for taxes for Caswell County.
Please note that there is a fee to use this service. The fee increases as the amount of tax increases.
Although this service is being provided through a link on the Caswell County website, these transactions are not being done on our website.
To pay by Telephone:
Contact CC Payment Service at: (919) 277-2236
When using this phone number you will need your Bill Number
DO NOT enter the leading zero after the letter (R or P) of the Bill Number
R=Real Estate
P= Property Tax (Personal Property)
To pay online:
To Search Bills: A) Enter First and Last name (No Middle Initial) OR B) Enter Bill Number (Ex. R123456), NO Leading zero AND Enter Tax Year (Ex. 2017)
Quick Links:
2016 Caswell County Tax Revaluation
Caswell County 2018 Tax Listing Form
Business Personal Property Listing Forms
Youth Outreach Programs
Phone: (336) 694-1725
Fax: (336) 694-1726
Visit our department page here, to find out more about our programs including Teen Court and Community Service and Restitution.